
Online Giving
Online giving is now available at Grace Church Middletown. We are using “Tithely” which is a secure platform used by churches to collect and manage donations and payments.
To give, click on the green GIVE button at left, below the picture. When the Giving form opens, click on “Sign Up” (upper right corner). After providing your personal and financial information, you can use your account to make General, Pledge, Capital Improvement or Organ Maintenance contributions to the church.
Please be aware that the church is charged a 2.9% fee for using this service plus $.30 per transaction, but you can elect to pay this fee as part of your donation. By checking the “Cover Fees” box, your cost will increase slightly but you will save the church the expense of paying the fee.
There are also Tithely phone apps for giving. They can be found at the Apple and Android app stores.
Stewardship & Pledging
“Stewardship” noun
- the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.“responsible stewardship of our public lands”
In the Episcopal Church and at Grace Church, Stewardship means taking care of all of God’s gifts to us. We do that by giving some of our time, talent and treasure to God.
In October, we have a Stewardship Sunday on which we make a “pledge” by filling out a pledge card. The pledge card lists your plan for the coming year’s giving of money, time and treasure to Grace Church. It is an excellent spiritual practice to try to increase your giving every year, learning not to fear and increasing our faith that God continues to provide for us. “Percentage Giving” is a useful way to measure our progress, starting with a certain percentage of our income and increasing gradually each year. Some parishioners strive to eventually reach the level of the “tithe”, which means giving 10% of their income to the church.
Pledge envelopes are made available at the end of the year to those who have pledged. They can be used each week for putting your pledged amount in the collection plate.
Planned Giving
Planning a gift to Grace Church from your estate is a valuable spiritual act for you and an important one for the future of our church. A member of the Grace Church leadership will be happy to assist you in implementing your planned giving.