Grace Church History

As early as 1790, what was to become Middletown, NY, was a
loose cluster of houses built up along a strategically located road
used for the transportation of produce to the Hudson River. In
1841, the Erie Railroad was completed allowing Middletown to
become a large shipping center. Middletown continued to be a
transportation hub for over a century with the last train passing
through Middletown in April, 1983.
Prior to 1845, there were no Episcopal services in Middletown.
Episcopal parishes existed in several nearby communities:
Newburgh, Walden and Goshen. It was primarily due to the
efforts of Elisha Wheeler, a prominent businessman, that Grace
Episcopal Church, Middletown, was created. He was a signer of
the Act of Incorporation and was the first Junior Warden. He
subsequently became the Senior Warden, a position he held until
his death in 1876.
The Grace Episcopal Church parish was incorporated on
February 18, 1845. Services were initially held on Sunday
afternoons in other local churches. Property was purchased later
that year on the corner of North and Depot streets and the
church building was constructed in the Gothic Revival style
between 1846-47. The first church service was held in the new
building on December 24, 1847 and the building was
consecrated by Bishop William H Delancey of the Diocese of
Western New York on September 12, 1848. The first rector was
the Reverend G.W. Timlow. The Reverend Alexander Capron
was the fourth rector; the side altar in the current space is
dedicated in his memory.
During the tenure of subsequent rectors, several alterations were
made to the church space. The gallery in the church was
removed and the chancel was moved further to the rear to add
more pew space. A large and better organ was purchase inDecember, 1863. An additional lot was purchased in July, 1864
and a small addition was built onto the church to accommodate
more pews. The north transept was built in 1866 and the south
transept in 1868 with funds donated by Elisha Wheeler.
Between 1868 and 1882, the wooden steeple was removed and
replaced by a stone steeple.
Liturgically, Grace Episcopal Church celebrated Morning Prayer
on a weekly basis. In addition to the Rector, the church was able
to support the services of an Organist and had an active men and
boy’s choir which sang during the services.
Grace Episcopal Church continued to grow and change
throughout the end of the 1800’s and into the 1900’s. In May
1912 the excavation for the foundation of the new parish house
was begun. The cornerstone was laid in September, 1912 and
the building, which is still in use, was completed in January,
1913. In 1920, the parish paid off the mortgage on the church.
The first rectory, located at 36 Highland Avenue, was purchased
in 1920.
Over the years, as Grace Episcopal Church grew and changed,
as did Middletown. Initially incorporated as a village in 1848;
Middletown was granted a city charter in 1888. In subsequent
years, many community service programs and institutions were
Grace Church continued to play an active role in the day to day
life of the City of Middletown. This role became even more
prominent during the tenure of the 17th rector, the Reverend
Joseph P. Matthews (1959-1979). Father Matthews made
changes in the celebration of church services. He moved the
church from a predominantly Morning Prayer parish to a more
Anglo-Catholic parish, with the Eucharist celebrated weekly at
two separate Sunday services. During Father Matthews’ tenure,
a new organ was purchased, the basement of the parish house was refurbished to house a Church School and the church space
was redesigned with the movement of the altar away from the
rear wall. The current rectory, located at 17 Crescent Place, was
purchased during Father Matthews’ time. Father Matthews was
politically active supporting the peace movement and protesting
the Vietnam War. Later he was an early supporter of women’s
rights and of the ordination of women to the priesthood. This
outward focus found an expression at Grace with the early
inception of the Guild of St Margaret, an outreach program to
feed the hungry in the community with vouchers given for a free
meal at a local restaurant.
Several other milestones for the church occurred under Father
Matthews’ leadership. In 1961 women were first elected to
Grace Church’s Vestry, as a result of a new nationwide church
ruling permitting the seating of women on parish governing
bodies. In 1975, Grace Church purchased a vacant lot (vacated
as the result of a fire) adjacent to the church property on the
corner of North and Depot Streets. This churchyard is used for
various parish activities.
The Reverend John A Osgood became the 18th rector of Grace
Church in 1979, and remained at Grace until 1996. Father
Osgood continued the movement of Grace Church toward a
more Anglo-Catholic (“high church”) celebration of the Eucharist,
introducing the use of bells and incense during the liturgy. Lay
ministry was encouraged and grew during this period. In his first
sermon, Father Osgood emphasized the connection between the
altar and the hungry. The number of individuals coming to the
church seeking a meal voucher increased significantly, so that
this was no longer a practical option. As an alternative, the
parish secretary began making and distributing sandwiches from
the parish house with the help of a few volunteers. The need
increased, and in 1981, the Guild of St Margaret Soup Kitchen
formally began to provide a daily meal for anyone coming to eat.
This program has continued since opening, even during theCovid 19 pandemic. At that time the program provided a bagged
hot lunch and cold meal from a space outside of the parish
house. The Guild resumed serving meals inside in May, 2022.
Over the years, Grace Church as been involved in a number of
community outreach programs designed to meet the needs of
marginalized people in the community. Grace sponsored the
RENT Program (Relief from Eviction for Needy Tenants).
Volunteers from Grace Church and other local congregations
helped open and operate the Emergency Housing Center (now
HONORehg) which opened in 1982 on the grounds of the
Middletown Psychiatric Center. Volunteers from Grace were also
involved in the opening of the Alcohol Crisis Unit, an emergency
detox program, as a component of Emergency Housing, and of
the opening of A Friend’s House, a shelter program for runaway
Grace Church took the lead with the clergy and parishioners from
several local churches to reach out to individuals in the
community suffering from HIV/AIDS. This outreach included
teams of individuals who visited patients in their homes, assisted
with medical appointments or other needs, an HIV/AIDS day
program providing a place for individuals to meet and get
support and a weekly healing service.
In 2009, Grace Church joined with other members of the Greater
Middletown Interfaith Council to help sponsor the Warming
Station, which is open during the coldest months of the year
(mid-November to mid-April) to provide shelter for people who
would otherwise spend their nights in the cold.
Father John Warfel became the 19th rector of Grace Church in
March, 1998. Father John continued to build upon the parish’s
Anglo-Catholic tradition, introducing a sung liturgy. Father Warfel
also began a monthly Children’s service during the 10 am mass.
in which children were encouraged to serve on the altar and toserve as lectors and as the intercessor. The service included a
special sermon designed to involve the children. As an openly
gay clergy person, Father John worked with the parish to ensure
that it welcomed all people regardless of race, gender, sexual
orientation, political views, etc..
The work of the Guild of. St Margaret continued under Father
John. He was an active member of the Greater Middletown
Interfaith Council. As a result of this membership, Grace Church
became the host of the annual Good Friday Three Hour Interfaith
Service. He also served as a member of the Business
Improvement District. Father John also took an active role in
Diocesan affairs serving on the Standing Committee. Father
John left Grace Church at the end of December, 2015.
The Reverend Victor Sarrazin became the 20th rector of Grace
Church in June, 2018. Father Victor has continued to support
Grace Church’s operation of the Guild of St Margaret Soup
Kitchen, which was expanded to include a “choice” Food Pantry
in 2023, and the work of the Greater Middletown Interfaith
Council in the Middletown community. He has maintained
Grace’s orientation as an Anglo-Catholic parish and continues to
support our mission to welcome all people to worship. Father
Sarrazin is currently the president of the Greater Middletown
Interfaith council.
Following guidelines from the Episcopal Diocese of New York,
Grace Episcopal Church services were severely curtailed as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the parish moved to a
once a week online service. In July, 2020, Grace reopened for in-
person services while requiring masks and following social
distancing guidelines. Our first video broadcast was on Easter
2020. As the pandemic abated, services returned to some pre-
pandemic normalcy, with a full altar party, the use of incense,
communion of both bread and wine, and the return of a part time
choir. Two lasting effects are the continuation of a single Sundayservice, alternating on a weekly basis between Rite I and Rite II,
and the continuation of an online broadcast of the service. In
addition to the Sunday service, Grace has also resumed its
weekly Wednesday morning healing service.
Grace Church continues to be open to a diverse church family
and welcomes all who wish to worship with us.