Our Mission Statement

Through the grace of God, we strive to provide Christ-centered worship in the rich tradition of the Anglican Church. We welcome all who seek to follow Christ Jesus. The weekly celebration of Holy Communion unites us, opens us to God’s transforming love and empowers us to the service of all humanity.
Following the example of Jesus himself, and empowered by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we ally ourselves with people pushed to the margins of our society whether through systemic racism, violence, unconscious bias or any other form of prejudice. Specifically, but not exclusively, we dedicate ourselves to the cause of justice and equality for People of Color, the LGBTQ+ community, Women, Immigrants, the Undocumented and all who suffer from the many forms of poverty. Through our own ministries of prayer and action, including the Guild of St. Margaret and our alliance with the Greater Middletown Interfaith Council we seek to both alleviate suffering and transform our world into a community of neighborly love.
Through ongoing prayer and worship, we strive to remain attentive to the voice of God calling us to further transformation and action.
Approved by our Vestry in 2021