About Grace Church

All are welcome at Grace Church, without exception. You will find us to be as diverse as the world outside, and we joyfully welcome everyone. Many of us feel as if we are “family,” truly involved with each other’s lives, in both joyful and difficult times. We especially reach out to our senior and homebound members, never forgetting those who have served and been part of the Grace Church family. Our Church School and Youth Group leaders work hard to bring the message of God’s love to the children in an understandable and fun way.
We are contemporary Christians who treasure traditional liturgy, supportive of our love and respect for God. You may participate as much or as little as you wish. It is perfectly acceptable to just sit and take in our service. We are a safe place to question and doubt. We observe silence before the Mass begins so that we all may pray quietly if we wish. The sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated with the richness of ceremony that reflects our catholic heritage. This celebration of the Lord’s Supper ties us together with all those who have come before us and all Christians throughout the world. All baptized Christians are invited to the Lord’s table for Holy Communion.
We strive to ensure that the grace that flows from the Altar is carried to our neighbors through the outreach of the Guild of St. Margaret and we are open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in responding to other needs as they arise. We are very proud of our soup kitchen, under the umbrella of the Guild of St. Margaret. What began as a small group of parishioners handing out soup and a sandwich to a few hungry people who came to our door has grown into a massive operation that serves every day of the year. The kitchen has been in operation for over 30 years. At times, we have answered calls to serve in other ways, such as to the AIDS population, and we are always open to new ways to be of service. We feel that in serving others we are truly responding to the teachings of Christ.